
The Other Day

Inspiration Strikes Strong and with a Thunder. But only where there is room for it.

Asking myself where the creative way forward is when I'm alone at the helm is a beautiful question to address. I'm not sure many people get such a blatant opportunity to examine their own process, style, and path.

I have been resistant to moving forward because of what it means I have to move away from. The past is such a beautiful memory, full of inspiration and great successes. Yet in the past there is no kindling for the fire that burns ahead- as I had once naively hoped.

And so somethingsomething studios is reborn. A studio of unrestrained creation. What I want most, and am most excited by, are the ideas that do not have to be condoned to be created. To create without the need to reach some professional standard or acceptance. Of course, the criticism has always been that this theory results in financial failure.

However, by restraining the productive time I have available, I force those projects that are less inspiring through the wringer. I have a spark that fuels my propulsion forward in a way that I haven't felt since before I was earning a living at this craft.

At the same time, some spectacular projects have fallen into my lap as a result of being present, aware, and open to them. As if by accident, I am now at the forefront of the Canadian studies being carried out by MAPS Canada and for the first time hold the rights to a project of great merit from the outset. I set out the other day with just myself and my SLR to see what would happen.

One day I will find a camera operator who enjoys me as much as I do them. One day I will again record proper audio for my interviews. One day I will see funding for a shoot BEFORE it happens. Until then, I am overjoyed at my half-assed attempt at pulling it off if for no other reason than to prove to myself that those things should not hold us back.

And so begins a new series titled "The Other Day in..." where these odd short videos that I whip together in mere moments shall find license.

And in this moment of writing a smile finds my face because as I write all of this to some future semblance of myself (because who else would care?), I also now know that you may be reading this Brownie, and I love you so truly that it makes me wish I had a post secondary education and could entertain you more with some literary wit. Hearing that you care enough to have read past posts leads me to want to do better in life so I can report great things from a solid, grounded place. Stay tuned.

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