
"Filmmaking" in Victoria

The universe has decided we will not screen our Doc Challenge entry at Hot Docs. Or maybe it was really the judges decision. A very strong US showing in the programming and only 1 Canadian doc. The point of these competitions for me is more about initiating production, and that we did- so I count it a success.

I'm not sure of the future for this wee glimmer of documentary, but I'm sure a reason will appear for our non-selection sometime in the future.

Perhaps at the Pagan conference http://www.gaiagathering.ca/ happenning this year in Vancouver at UBC. (conveniently located next to my favorite beach) "I'm a Witch - So What?" has been invited to screen in a longer version that I have yet to create - the evening of May 18. It will take a good think to make this 7 minute film into 20 specifically because it is a Pagan audience and from what I can tell, they truly enjoy discourse.

Meanwhile, it is the fiscal year end here in BC's capitol city. It's that special time of year where any leftovers in the coffers are spent in a hurry, often on small video projects.

This year also coincides with a rather monumental announcement for our friends at http://www.moresbyconsulting.com/ who have been involved in negotiating a plan for the Great Bear Rainforest for well over 10 years now. It's one of my favorite corporates from what we've done. You can watch it at http://www.coastforestconservationinitiative.com/mini_site.html and I will post the revised one here in the next couple of weeks. It's amazing that this deal was reached between industry, environmental groups (almost all of them) and First Nations and everybody is happy.

The media blitz is currently underway at the Parliament Buildings. While the crew covers that I tinker away at a training program for Aboriginal Health Care = filmmaking in Victoria.

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