Expediting us home takes us up the I5. It’s estimated that it saves us three hours, but those hours would be well spent on the Pacific Highway. The #1 is a WAY nicer drive, as most of the I5 is like the desert drive = nothing. Civilization is a significant detour from the highway so all you really have left are gas stations and rest areas. My back and shoulders object. My co-pilot does not.
Without a selection of music of my own I have grown tired of the Spanish lessons and the one disc I purchased in Oakland. The radio stations offer and interesting evolution of local news perspectives, and the same playlist. It’s a bad accompaniment to being alone with my thoughts, since lyrics usually sing to heart’s sorrow, or relate to past happinesses. Ekhart Tolle expressed that unhappiness is the result of thoughts, and I have been experiencing this during my three hour stretches of highway driving. It helps to tune in to the Spanish stations which are much happier, but lose signal faster. It also help to try to sing along to those tunes extolling the same heartaches but in a jovial tone, and without understanding half of the words.
It's also occurring more and more to me that it's a very strange thing that our happiness is gauged by how well our relationships are going. No doubt if I could let myself be devoted to another person I could dwell in those feelings instead, and forget what it is I want, and why it is that I'm single and alone. Love songs easily distract from a bigger picture of the world; one that I want to expand on and on reflection this is the freedom I have been enjoying.
The main challenge is obviously that I’m driving in the wrong direction.
Tips from the hobo road:
Don’t wear make-up. It’s just stupid and screws with logistics of minimizing the needs of the hobo. Not wearing make-up also deters advances from strangers.
Starbucks is your best friend for free wifi, and although the priceless GPS guides us well and often (and without requiring a cell signal or roaming fees), businesses change more often than it's updated. Usually it’s right about where the Starbucks are, and from there google will tell you whatever you’re missing. A handy feature in google maps once you have your location is “search nearby” and “directions” which will help you find almost anything you need as well as help you plan your itinerary and route.
Gas station cuisine will actually do a person more harm than good. It’s better to just avoid eating until you can make a real restaurant stop. I do, however, usually snack on gummy bears though it's inadvisable if you have problem skin.
All Oregon gas stations are full service, and will check your fluids for you without a fee (I think a tip is expected) This is always a good idea.
I have also learned to carry a full jerry can of gas at all times, but that’s because my fuel gauge is bust... which has been exciting on a couple of occasions. This is not something a lone woman, or anyone really, should deal with at night.
Pumps in California will not often take Canadian debit (bank cards don’t work in Cuba either btw, anywhere, but that’s another chapter), and Canadian credit cards don’t work at the pump. I’ve taken to overpaying with cash and getting refunded the balance.
Man my shoulders hurt, which is a surprise, and would be solved if my co-pilot could drive.