Aboriginal Day and Cultural Awareness
Plastic Ocean, Ocean Gybe

Rockie Mountain Roads
Blazened by the beetle's wrath
5000ft above the peculiar heat at sea level
Majestic peaks painted in ice
sheer and steep
Feed our radiant jade river
It thrashes along with us
braided with road and traintrack
carved through epic rock and furry forest
hours of delicate glaciers watch over our journey
and we breathe their crispness
breath after breath, mile after mile
Petals in Estonia
Your wonderful documentary PETALS - JOURNEY INTO SELF DISCOVERY is nominated to compete in frame of the 23rd Pärnu International Documentary Film Festival for the Estonian People’s Award. It means that the film will be broadcast on Estonian Television during the festival week (in a one evening from Sunday, July 5th through Saturday, July 11th). Last evening of the festival, after the airing of the last documentary of seven competing films, the TV-audience all over our country is welcome to call to the studio and to give points.
After voting process the president of country or the minister of culture will make award to the director of the best film. It happens the tenth time already and we do hope that the Estonian people make a right choise this time, too. Would be very nice to have all seven authors in Pärnu in person.Due to very complicated financial situation we are unable to cover Your travel expenses. If You’ll find possible to come to Pärnu, we are ready to provide You with a nice summer hotel. But, please let us know ASAP your resident country and town where do you live. Maybe we can get some sponsor tickets from our national airline Estonia Air.
As one of our traditions is to introduce authors of competing films before transmission on TV, we would like ask You in following.We would like to record a short interview with You which will shown before Your competition screening on ETV. Could You be so nice as organize a shooting on video (DVcam or DV) of Your quite close-up portrait when Mark Soosaar, head of the festival, is asking questings on telephone and You are answering to these questions which concern crerative process of Your film.We are on our behalf shooting Mr. Soosaar at the same time. From the footage of both cassettes will be edited a 6 – 7 minutes long clip to be shown on Estonian TV before screening of Your film.If You like the idea, please, dont hesitate to tell us – which date is the best to call You and to record the distant interview.We would like to receive the 7 cassettes from 7 authors latest during the last week of June. There must be an editing and subtitling time left for the first broadcast which takes place in July 5th.
CordiallyVaiko Edur, Head of programs of the 23rd Pärnu International Documentary Film Festival
Next Media
This is all about the Ocean Gybe expedition for me, and I hope we'll find those magic people who will help craft the online series that will ultimately bring an international audience to address an issue that can not wait for our attention any longer.
Our new trailer is online now. Please visit the current site to view: www.oceangybe.com
Doxa (δόξα) is a Greek word meaning common belief or popular opinion
DOXA is a sweet festival of the documentary skew. After Amsterdam http://www.idfa.nl/ and http://www.hotdocs.ca/ the Vancouver festival of documentary had little new to offer on it's program. Likely this is due to programmers now accessing the IDFA online database of submissions rather than sifting through the thousands of submissions that come off the street.
Sorority Wars EPK
Vancouver Shows in May

followed up with a performance by our favorite groups http://www.gangagiri.com/ at the Red Room. I turn 28 the night of the 28th and I can't think of any better way to celebrate after this crazy month of screenings.
The Immortal Beaver Screens in Victoria
Our theatre was sold out well before the scheduled start time and we turned away at least 20 more people at the door. Not only did everyone by 6 people stay for a Q&A afterward but we sold all of the 30 DVDs we brought to the show.
The audience was conducting a collective conversation in advance of the screening, and we soon realized that we were amongst a large number of aviation legends.
We had the pleasure of meeting the daughter of one of the designers of the plane and invited her along with one of the film's characters, Ted Gerow, Director of Aircraft Maintenance at Viking Air, to join us for the post screening discussion. The feedback was wonderful and it feels like a film this is a film of importance in Canada's archive.
Man on Wire on Fire
"Filmmaking" in Victoria
I'm not sure of the future for this wee glimmer of documentary, but I'm sure a reason will appear for our non-selection sometime in the future.
Perhaps at the Pagan conference http://www.gaiagathering.ca/ happenning this year in Vancouver at UBC. (conveniently located next to my favorite beach) "I'm a Witch - So What?" has been invited to screen in a longer version that I have yet to create - the evening of May 18. It will take a good think to make this 7 minute film into 20 specifically because it is a Pagan audience and from what I can tell, they truly enjoy discourse.
Meanwhile, it is the fiscal year end here in BC's capitol city. It's that special time of year where any leftovers in the coffers are spent in a hurry, often on small video projects.
This year also coincides with a rather monumental announcement for our friends at http://www.moresbyconsulting.com/ who have been involved in negotiating a plan for the Great Bear Rainforest for well over 10 years now. It's one of my favorite corporates from what we've done. You can watch it at http://www.coastforestconservationinitiative.com/mini_site.html and I will post the revised one here in the next couple of weeks. It's amazing that this deal was reached between industry, environmental groups (almost all of them) and First Nations and everybody is happy.
The media blitz is currently underway at the Parliament Buildings. While the crew covers that I tinker away at a training program for Aboriginal Health Care = filmmaking in Victoria.
Edith Josie - Here Are the News

1x48min documentary
Here are the News is a documentary celebrating the accomplishments of the famous Yukon journalist named Edith Josie.
Miss Josie captured the hearts and imaginations of thousands of people around the globe with her unique approach to writing. She became the correspondent for the Whitehorse Star in 1953, a job she held for almost 50 years. Here Are the News was syndicated in the Edmonton Journal, the Fairbanks News and the Indian News in Vancouver. Her work as a reporter for Old Crow brought her worldwide success when LIFE magazine did a feature on her. Over the years she has put the small town of Old Crow on the map, appearing numerous times on Peter Gzowski’s popular CBC Radio show and television shows such as Front Page Challenge.
Her passion for education, tradition and respect are obvious themes as this documentary explores more than just the journalistic side of this member of the prestigious Order of Canada. Her morals and outlook on life are constantly being demonstrated to others through her teachings as she shows people the value of language, story, education, and faith. She lives these lessons through her interactions with her community, the church, the public, and her family. Edith also shows us the unique way of life of the Gwit’chin people and how the threat of modern developments can impact their livelihood.
In the world of Edith Josie she just reported the news, but to the rest of the world she opened the doors to Old Crow, her views on language, education, and social responsibility, tradition, and Gwit’chin culture- leaving us with a lifetime of legacy and values.
“She doesn’t put it that way, she doesn’t say it, she lives it and that’s the way she lives everything she does in her life” - Cathleen Smith, Director
Seaplane Training Video for Victoria Harbour

Doc Challenge

Many thanks to Simon and Brooke for the opportunity to use and promote their facilities.
It will give me great pleasure to give the incredible Victoria crew a copy of the film and a beer in thanks for the spectacular work. Talents like these make one consider the potential for filmmaking in Victoria is almost endless.
I’m a Witch, So What?
Gamut Productions, Victoria BC
7mins HDTV
Today, the number of people practicing witchcraft is increasing more than any other non-immigrant based religion. Why Wicca? Why now?
I’m a Witch, So What? is a critical look at a religion generally considered to be without doctrine and spiritual over-authority. One of its only rules is that everyone is free to carry out their (own) personal exploration as long as they 'harm none.'
During a time of rising global awareness, the witch returns in a new form after years of being misunderstood, coming forth to share common goals with many other open religions as they seek a broader understanding of the direction of our planet. The witch remains a vital part of human progress, emerging in this documentary with a voice that challenges preconceived notions of the past.
My first blog post
For some reason I've decided to create a blog.
Does anyone actually read these things?